13 pesos

Someday we’ll have a bike delivery business. We imagine selling coffee on beaches or in parks. But maybe we’ll bike around 20 flavors of ice cream, like guys here do. Usually with a moped or motorcycle. Smart, given the weight of ice and the mountainous roads.

The horse farm next door has a bunch of kids around during the summer so the local ice cream bike has been stopping by with a tell-tale bell.

Phillip’s introversion is overwhelmed by his desire for ice cream, and he brings us back $.50 worth of cafe ice cream. The cone bowl is delicious, too.

Ice cream is helado. Ice is hiel. Recently we were advising a neighbor on building a natural swimming pool (no chemicals) and we were discussing water plants and temperature. “Tiene helado aqui en el verano?” Her reply included a veces (at times) and she didn’t laugh or look completely confused, so I expect she figured out that I meant hiel.

We had a thorough conversation about this pool project using our limited Spanish, a translation app, and we’ll see how her pool turns out. Maybe we’ll enjoy some helado poolside - but not in the winter.


Mom July 26, 2018

i don’t know - she might have thought you wondered if anyone brings around ice cream in the summer! nice chuckle re Phillip, introversion and ice cream!

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